You’re Invited! Feb 20, 2025

2023 Annual Water Report
This Water Year (WY) 2023 Annual Report for the Basin has been prepared in compliance with CCR 23 §
356.2 and consistent with the DWR’s October 2023 GSP Implementation: A guide to Annual Reports,
Periodic Evaluations, & Plan Amendments. WY 2023 includes the period from 1 October 2022 through 30 September 2023. This Annual Report also contains available and appropriate historical information back to 2015, as required by CCR 23 §356.2 (b).
The Basin encompasses 210,300 acres at the northern end of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin
within Sacramento and Amador Counties. It is bordered on the north by the South American Subbasin (DWR Basin No. 5-021.65) and on the south by the Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin (DWR Basin No. 5-022.01). The Basin is bounded by surface water features to the north, south, and west and the eastern Basin boundary is formed by low permeability metamorphic rocks in the Sierra Nevada
foothills region. The Basin has a single Principal Aquifer which is comprised of six hydraulically connected
sedimentary formations that include the Younger Alluvium, Victor, Laguna, Mehrten, Valley Springs, and
Ione Formations.
Read the full Annual Report for Water Year 2023 to find out more.
Sloughhouse RCD Conservation Planning Opportunities
Sloughhouse RCD was recently awarded funds through the Conservation Agriculture Planning Grant Program (CAPGP) which will fund the development of various types of agricultural conservation plans. The funded plans will promote conservation efforts which will help to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adapt to climate change impacts, and promote environmental and agricultural sustainability for local landowners, ranchers and farmers. Farms must be in Sacramento County or Tuolumne County (we have partnered with the Tuolumne RCD to fund a handful of plans in that county).
Please use this interest form to indicate which Conservation Planning Activity you would be interested in. There are links to the full plans listed in the questions.
CGA Newsletter
CGA Staff and the Outreach & Engagement Committee has developed the first and second edition of what will be a semi-annual Newsletter. This newest edition covers a brief history of CGA, the Annual Report 2023, conservation on-farm opportunities, and the recent CGA BBQ. Information regarding upcoming meetings, website links and contact information can be found in the Newsletter, as well.

“Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller (on the importance of community)
Cosumnes River Preserve